The Power of Grey Thinking
Discover an Exciting and Powerful Way to Live Your Life.
A Life Free From Judgment & Comparison
With Grey Thinking You Will Gain
Expanded Perspective
The opportunity to see your life’s circumstances through the lens of responsibility enables you to seek understanding rather than react to your emotions. This compassionate approach prioritizes your well-being by reducing stress and chaos which simplifies your life NOW.
Deeper Relationships
When you are able to interact with others from a desire to lean in and communicate, you will create connections in your relationships that you never thought possible.
Grounded Confidence
Knowing that you are the source of what you want, and building a foundational platform to support the vision for your life, will immediately boost your self-confidence and overall well-being.
Do you find yourself constantly riding the highs and lows of life?
Do you feel worn down, constantly battling what life throws at you?
When we don’t question the way things are, we lose out on intentionally choosing the life we actually want. Instead, we get upset and withdraw from our relationships, we feel defensive, and we internalize our reactions and emotions to avoid offending anyone. We may feel like we are walking on eggshells unable to be ourselves, always looking for approval from others. We seek pleasure to avoid these lows, not knowing how to balance ourselves sustainably.
We think the answer is to keep striving, if we just do more surely we will feel better! The result of these highs and lows is feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, stressed, empty, unfulfilled, and disconnected from ourselves and our relationships.
Transform & Elevate
By discovering the Power of Grey Thinking you will intentionally establish a harmony within yourself that removes the need to seek validation from the outside world, creating a transformational shift that elevates all of your relationships, starting with the most important one - YOU!
How You Can Get Started
Choose An Area To Work On
The Power of Grey Thinking can improve every area of your life. Whether you are looking to improve your relationship with yourself, your partner, or bring these tools to improve your workplace, we have a course for you!
Register For A Workshop Or 1:1 Coaching
Doing the work comes in many different shapes and sizes. Each person has individual needs and support looks different in every case. These teachings can be found in group settings or 1:1 with Sandra.
Improve Your Life
How we manage our thoughts and the direction of our life starts with knowing that we are the source of what we want. Building a foundational platform to support the vision for your life will immediately improve all areas.
All human suffering comes from an inability to accept what is and wanting what is to be different.
Grey thinking entails being satisfied in the moment; being present and responsible in your thinking.
I have been there…
After dedicating most of my married life to supporting my family and running our household, I found myself in complete crisis when my 30 year marriage was ending, my three grown children had left home, and all that I thought my life was supposed to be was crashing to the ground.
My identity was wrapped up in my ability to perform in my life, specifically for the benefit of others. This construct affected my ability to connect fully and truthfully in my relationships, it affected my self-worth, and it affected my ability to make healthy choices for myself.
My greatest awareness came from my hardest fall. In order to start living again, I had to figure out what was important in my life. How to restore my relationships, how to make choices toward a worthy vison for my life, and how to give myself the validation I had been looking for externally. I had to stop relying on what I did or didn’t do for others to be the measure of my well-being. Learning how to truly think differently resulted in an inner peace and clarity that I had been looking for all my life.
From Sandra’s Clients
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With a proven track record working with high performance athletes, couples and women, Sandra brings a vastness of experience and knowledge to help you transform your life!